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Welcome to Angelica Castillo Beauty

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My Name is Angelica Castillo, I was born in Guadalajara Jalisco, Mexico. I was brought by my parents in 1979 to the United States to follow the American Dream.

I am the oldest sister of 6. In the 80s it was a different time. My parents taught me to study hard and work harder to become someone in life. My dad, Salvador Mendoza, was a cook and my mom, Maria Mendoza, worked as a seamstress and homemaker. They always told me that they work hard so I could become someone in life and follow my dreams. During my teenage years I was interested in making dresses. I always thought I would be a high-end designer until my mom one day showed me how they did everything back in the days when she had studied cosmetology. I told her, “You know, Mom, I think I really, really want to do make-up.” She just laughed and said, “Well study hard about it and most importantly, find your niche and do it. Follow your dream.” I was 16 years old then.

Those words really stuck in my head. As years went by, I had to work hard to make ends meet; my mom had developed paralysis on half of her body from working so hard in sweltering, hot factories. I thought I was going to work hard to make sure I would become someone in life like they wanted me to; I would make sure all their hard work paid off. I became a businesswoman, working as an Insurance Agent and I have been very successful.

I met my husband in 2007 and got married in 2013. He is a wonderful husband and partner. I always tell him everything I want to accomplish, and he supports me 100%. During 2017 I told him about my dream of going into the beauty industry, and just as I expected, he suggested going to school to find out all I need to accomplish my goals. So that’s what I did. With his support and mom and dad’s, we started our dream until it has now become a reality.

Our launch year was supposed to be in 2020, but since the pandemic hit, everything had to be put on pause. During that time instead of being frustrated or stressed, I became inspired to create 4 more pallets and foundations that will be coming soon. Our first creation launched in October of 2022, and it’s been a success; thank God! I really hope you like it as much as I liked creating it. It was made with all my love and creation. This is an ever-evolving adventure and I’ll keep working to make it even better.

With love,
Angelica Castillo
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